Chrome extension download link.

Use the link above to install the Chrome extension to edit Microsoft Office documents within Chrome. Click on "Add to Chrome".

Click on "Add extension" in the pop-up window:

You should see a notification in the upper-right corner that the extension has been added to Chrome:

After the extension has been added, Chrome needs to be set as the default application for the various file types. To do this, right-click on the file you want to open and select "Open with".

Chrome may show up in the list that appears. If it does not, expand the list by clicking "More apps".

If Chrome is still not listed as an option after clicking on "More apps", click on "Look for another app on this PC". Note that "Always use this app to open *** files" should be checked to save Chrome as the default application for the file type.

This option requires you to locate the folder where Chrome is installed. By default, it should be located in C:\Windows\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application

Select "Chrome" as the application. When you open that file type Chrome should open by default as long as the "Always use  this app to open .*** files" box was checked.

You can also drag & drop files into an open Chrome window to view/edit them.